Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cerebellum (histology slides)

Eye (monkey)

Wall of the eye

Ch - choroid
S - sclera
R - retina


Ciliary body

CB - ciliary body
I - iris
CS - canal of Schlemm

canal of Schlemm

CS - canal of Schlemm
AC - anterior chamber
CB - ciliary body


Eye (histology slides)


Outer Nuclear Layer

Outer Plexiform Layer

Inner Nuclear Layer

Inner Plexiform Layer

Ganglion Layer


Ciliary Body


Anterior Chamber

Canal of Schlemm

Ear (histology slides)

Spiral Ganglion
The spiral ganglion is a spiral-shaped mass of nerve cell bodies.
G - ganglion cells
A - afferent fibres
E - efferent fibres

Ear (histology slides)

Organ of Corti
T - tunnel of Corti. located at the center of the organ, appears as a triangular-shaped canal bounded on each side by a single row of tall columnar cells.
TM - tectorial membrane

Ear (histology slides)

SM - scala media. roughly triangular in cross-section, with the apex attached to a spicule of bone
SL - spiral limbus
SV - scala vestibuli. originating in the vestibule near the oval window and the base of the stapes; vibrations are conducted towards the apex of the cochlea in the perilymph of the scal vestibuli. SV is located above SM.
ST - scala tympani. below the SM is the perilymphatic space which spiral down from the apex to the secondary TM.
BM - basilar membrane. the membrane separating the SM and the ST. supports the organ of Corti.
SLig - spiral ligament. laterally attached to the basement membrane.
SVasc - stria vascularis. the thickened outer wall of the SM. Is highly vascularized and lined by stratified epithelium.
VM - Reissner's membrane. membrane between the SM and SV. both sides are lined with spimple squamous epithelium.

Thursday, November 15, 2007